Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Title Essay Example
Title Essay Example Title Essay Title Essay 1. What is the application ZenMap GUI typically used for? Describe a scenario in which you would use this type of application. / Scanning all domains within the local domain. / If I was a financial accountant, I would use this to see what my employees are accessing and who is doing what on the company internet. I would like to find out who is compromising their privileges and accessing inappropriate sites. 2. What is the relationship between risks, threats and vulnerabilities as it pertains to Information Systems Security throughout the seven domains of a typical IT infrastructure? / They all affect security and integrity of a network domain local. 3. Which application is used in step #2 in the hacking process to perform a vulnerability assessment scan? / Nessus 4. Before you conduct an ethical hacking process or penetration test in a live production network, what must you do prior to performing the reconnaissance and probing and scanning procedures? Perform an IP host discovery and port intense scan 5. What is a CVE listing? Who hosts and who sponsors the CVE database listing website? / A system that provides a record for publicly know ISS vulnerability / The public 6. Can ZenMap GUI detect what operating systems are present on IP servers and Workstations? What would that option look like in the command line if running a scan on 172. 30. 0. 10? / Yes / It would be the green text in the c ommand line . If you have scanned a live host and detected that it is running Windows XP workstation OS, how would you use this information for performing a Nessus Vulnerability assessment scan? / You need to select Windows Credentials in the drop down menu next to credential type. 8. Once vulnerability is identified by Nessus, where can you check for more information regarding the identified vulnerability, exploits, and the risk mitigation
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Italian Vowels - Pronunciation Examples
Italian Vowels s Italian vowels ( le vocali a i u e o The approximate English equivalents are as follows: a is like a in the English word ah! Italian / Englishcasa  houseantipasto  appetizerama  lovesbanana  bananasala  hallPapa  Popefama  famepasta  pasta; dough; pastry e is sometimes like e in the English word they (without the final i glide). Italian / Englishe  andbeve  drinksme  mefede  faithvede  seesmele  applessete  thirstpepe  pepper e is sometimes like e in the word met. This is the open e. Italian / Englishà ¨Ã‚  islento  slowbene  wellfesta  party; holidaysedia  chairpresto  soonvento  windtà ¨Ã‚  tea i is like i in machine. Italian / Englishlibri  booksbimbi  childrenvini  winesviolini  violinstini  vatspini  pines o is sometimes like o in the English word oh!. Italian / Englisho  ordono  giftnome  namesolo  aloneposto  placetondo  roundvolo  flightmondo  world o is sometimes like o in or. This is the open o. Italian / Englishmoda  fashiontoga  togano  nooro  goldposta  mailbrodo  brothcosa  thingtrono  thronerosa  roseolio  oil u is like u in rule. Italian / Englishluna  moonfungo  mushroomuno  onelungo  longfuga  fuguemulo  muleuso  usetubo  tube
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Supply Chain Management in Sports Obermeyer Case Study
Supply Chain Management in Sports Obermeyer - Case Study Example Given the ten styles of Women's Parkas, I recommend that Wally focuses on the three women's styles which are within one standard deviation from the mean of the normal distribution based on the individual sales forecasts of the Sample Buying Committee as shown in Exhibit 10. These styles are the Electra, the Daphne, and the Assault. About 68% of the population of the normal distribution are within one standard deviation from the mean. Wally can ask China to produce 10,000 units of any of these three styles only. Another option would be for him to choose to produce only one style for the China operations which requires a minimum order of l0,000 units. He can ask the marketing staff to do check the actual demand and to revise the sales forecasts of the three chosen styles. The style with the highest sales forecast will be prioritized for production in China. The two other women's styles can be produced in HK if they have lower sales forecasts. Given that the other styles are within 2 standard deviations from the mean of the normal distribution of the average sales forecasts, I will not recommend Wally to order 10,000 units of these women's styles: Call, Isis, Entice, Teri, Seduced, Stephanie and Anita. The choice of the three styles is a logical one because the individual forecasts already assume the level of the previous year's sales of the women's parkas. In order for forecasts to be reliable, they have to be based on the sales of previous years. If Wally chooses any of the seven other women's styles, then that would not be efficient since those styles already constitute within two standard deviations of the mean. There is a higher probability that he will be choosing the styles which would be harder to dispose of in the retail stores.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Book critique of monoculture by F.S Michael Essay
Book critique of monoculture by F.S Michael - Essay Example In particular, I do not practice the aspect of vegetarianism because of any specific reason since I do not have any particular end for it. However, this is reflected in different ways in the different chapters that are found within the book. Each of them aims at revealing how this issue is significantly undergoing change. The main point of this book is chiefly about monoculture. Its contents majorly revolve around the aspects of human beings that are experienced during day to day activities. This is because they mainly discuss whom we are, where we are approaching from and where we are headed towards. Thus, in monoculture one of such stories has taken over other stories and is narrowing down with a great level of diversity. As such it is creating some form of monoculture. The author discusses how the economic story rises especially with regard to how it can fundamentally change life. This is especially in relation to whom an individual is, what they know as well as whether they are r ight. As individuals go about the daily activities of their lives within a world that is driven by capitalism, people tend to lose touch with humanity as well as charity. The knowledge for the sake of freedom in the society is created by the control of a mono culture by the society. This is the case in every corner of life as Michael reflects in the issue of pervasiveness that is brought about by the attempt to privatize public goods. It is as a result of this that people have the right to choose the kind of services and goods that they would like to have within their lives.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Portrayal of Australian Mining Towns Essay Example for Free
Portrayal of Australian Mining Towns Essay Arthur Boyd and Oodgeroo, formally known as Kath Walker, both effectively depict their own view of Australia through the painting â€Å"The Mining Town†and the poem â€Å"The Time Is Running Out. †They each present slightly differing interpretations of the country based upon their altered perspectives and context. Arthur Boyd presents a vivid and vibrant life of an Australian mining town of 1920 through his painting while Kath Walker aggressively portrays an outraged view of what Australia has become violently outlining the damages caused by European settlement. In Kath Walkers poem â€Å"time is running out†she uses a passionate and forceful tone allowing it to illustrate an Aboriginal perspective of the mining town, which effectively portrays her view of Australia. â€Å"The miner rapes the heart of the earth†the use of the word â€Å"rape,†describes a traumatic and violent action. Kath Walker uses this aggressive quote to start her poem essentially stating the miners are ruining the natural part of Australia. She then proceeds to say â€Å" With this violent spade†meaning the spade the miners are using is killing the earth. â€Å" Stealing, bolting her black blood. †The use of a metaphor in this quote depicts the miner taking the black coal from the earth. She then personifies the earth to exemplify that the Europeans are destroying the natural beauty of Australia â€Å"for the sake of the greedy trade. †Kath Walker demonstrates her disappointment throughout the poem in the European culture of Australia and is horrified by what the country has become. She effectively conveys her view of Australia. In the second part of Kath Walkers poem she proceeds to use a patriotic and again a violent tone to portray her view of Australia. She challenges upon all Aborigines to take a stand against the violent nature on the earth caused by the foreigners. The repetition of â€Å"violence†â€Å"he knows violence†â€Å"will be violently written†â€Å"make the violent miner feel†exaggerates her perspective of Australia by portraying Australia as a terrible violent country. Throughout her poem she over exaggerates the terrible wok of the miners and at the end of her poem she hypocritically gives a violent message of retaliation against the miners â€Å"to defend their timeless land. †â€Å"Come gentle black man†she creatively changes the audience’s state of mind by showing that the aborigines are the victims and are innocent. Kath allows the audience to feel her frustration with the use of her aggressive tone and adjectives essentially providing the audience with not only Kath’s view of Australia but also the whole Aboriginal community. It is because of Kaths poetic devices and techniques which allows her to present her perspective of Australia from an Aboriginal point of view. Her aggressive and serious tone, shows her passion and love for the nature of the country. She also spreads a message of violence of retaliation and revenge on the European miners who are destroying nature in Australia all for â€Å"the filthy dollar. †Therefore I think that the poem most effectively conveys a view of Australia rather than the photo.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Character Development in Burmese Days by George Orwell :: essays research papers
I was intrigued by how the writer George Orwell portrayed each character's personality. Each character had their own unique characteristic. For example, Mr. Floury's character was unique in every aspect imaginable, by the way he tries to help Dr. Veraswami's get elected in the club. He was not always positive, but in some instances he was cruel. There was a demeanor about him that was portrayed very well from start to finish. The arrival of the bobbed blonde, Elizabeth Lackersteen, not only shows Flory as ill-fated suitor but gives Orwell the opportunity to prove that he's a reporter of nuanced social interactions and political intrigues. Other character's worth mentioning is Ma Hla May (Flory's servant); her actions throughout the book were marvelous. Each time she appeared in the scene, her presence was felt strongly. Her actions thoughtout the book were driven by her vanity, which led to her arriving at the church and embarrassing Mr. Flory. Against this backdrop of politics and ethics, Orwell presents romance. The book was not just about one-man entrance in a club, but also of the hatred people bestow on each other. Was it their vanity that had driven everyone in the town? Is the failure to socialize extended to the natives ? U Po Kyin, villain who tormented everyone, a man without any sympathy, a man who was known to be notorious throughout the town. Most of the turmoil, which occurred during the book can be traced back to U Po Kyin doings. The addition of U Po Kyin made the book mysterious and full of mayhem. This well plotted tale of betrayal and hypocrosy in an English colonial outpost is an extraordinarily good read on several levels. The character of Flory who despises the racist hypocrosy of his fellow expats yet is too weak to do anything about it is very well written. Flory is full of contradictions and ultimately these contribute to his
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Quantitative Methods for Business Essay
Quantitative techniques are mathematical and reproducible. Regression analysis is an example of one such technique. Statistical analysis is also an example of a quantitative technique. Quantitative techniques are applied for business analysis to optimize decision making IE profit maximization and cost minimization. It covers linear programming models and other special algorithms, inventory and production models. Albert Humphrey, a management consultant who specialized in organizational management, devised the SWOT analysis technique at Stanford Research Institute in the 1960s. Today, not only large corporations but also nonprofit and government agencies employ SWOT analysis. An enhanced method, known as the Six Forces Model, further helps to quantify competition, buyers and suppliers. Identify strengths and weaknesses to assess whether the desired end state is possible. If it is not, revise your objective to reflect an attainable goal. Use SWOT analysis in strategic planning, crisis management and feasibility studies. Apply SWOT analysis techniques in academic environments for developmental studies. Use SWOT analysis to figure out how to exploit each strong point and minimize each disadvantage. SWOT analysis techniques facilitate decision making by classifying and categorizing factors that influence the outcome of activities. Identifying the strengths or weaknesses of your product, price, place of sale and promotion strategy in concert with listing economic, technological and legal factors help you identify your competitive position. Quantitative data help you to justify how important each activity is to your company (http://rapidbi. wordpress. com/2008/12/29/history-of-the-swot-analysis/). SWOT analysis is typically identified as one of two types: planning or marketing. Corporate planning involves setting objectives, assessing abilities, analyzing current strategies, developing new strategies or preparing for different scenarios that might require intervention. This type of SWOT analysis is typically conducted by project-management teams. Marketing analysis, on the hand, involves conducting research to gather opinions, for example, through surveys. These are usually completed by customers or potential clients. The quantifiable results can reveal trends or validate hypotheses you have about how to market your product. Form a cross-functional team to conduct your planning SWOT analysis. Diverse viewpoints produce the best results and prevent closed thinking. Resist the temptation to abandon your objectives as unattainable without close scrutiny. Think creatively to use the data your analysis produces. Match strengths to opportunities when conducting a marketing SWOT analysis. Find innovative ways to convert threats and weaknesses into strengths. Use SWOT analysis to find new markets while avoiding markets for which your company is ill-suited (http://www. ehow. com/about_54926434_sstrength-weakness-quantitative-technique. html). The use of quantitative and qualitative methods in evaluating and planning business related functions is paramount to business success. Good ideas and hard work are often irreplaceable, but proper application of pertinent analytical techniques can help assure that your company is successful by any measure. Both quantitative and qualitative tools are available to even the smallest of businesses, ranging from straightforward techniques such as break-even analysis and SWOT analysis. Quantitative research refers to the systematic empirical investigation of social phenomena via statistical, mathematical or computational techniques. The objective of quantitative research is to develop and employ mathematical models, theories and/or hypotheses pertaining to phenomena. The process of measurement is central to quantitative research because it provides the fundamental connection between empirical observation and mathematical expression of quantitative relationships. Quantitative Approach provides us the mathematical & statistical, tools & techniques to optimize the managerial decision making in the areas of planning and control. Such as budgeting, scheduling, quality control etc. Quantitative Courses help you get a job. Because usually you start at lower levels of management, where there aren’t many strategic decisions you make. Your intuition is not trusted upon and you must back your decisions with numbers (cook them up if you can’t find them. That’s what my internship experience says, but do not quote me on that). So, they want quantitative skills in you. However, as discussed widely across the world, obsession with quantitative stuff can be disastrous. They are only tools and do not substitute managerial judgment. And as you rise in the hierarchy, you intuition and qualitative judgment start getting valued. Qualitative skills are not just a good-to-have asset then, but absolute requirement. Because for taking higher level decisions, you may not always have the kind of precise framework you have for lower level jobs. But most important thing about quantitative courses, while you are a student, is that they can be learnt. Learnt irrespective of several things going wrong like having an incompetent instructor! Even if you do not have much aptitude, by working hard you can extract something from these courses. Qualitative courses on the other hand pose several problems in learning. Irrespective of the presence of several much touted pedagogical tools and techniques, they depend heavily on the quality of the instructor, aptitude of the student and the chemistry between the two. An inarticulate instructor may still manage to teach you a quantitative course, but for a qualitative one it is disastrous. Well, one big problem with qualitative courses is that by the time you shall be allowed to use them in an organization, you would have forgotten them all. Many students wonder if they’ll ever really need to know how to use the quadratic equation or find the volume of a cone. Not realizing how useful math can be, some choose to only fulfill the minimum requirements that their high schools requires. Those at College Board also emphasize how math can help you prepare for a career. The skills that you learn in math courses may be applicable down the line, even if you are not studying to become an engineer or an accountant. Many entry-level jobs require employees to have some math knowledge. Even understanding the basic math functions can be advantageous. Mathematical courses can prove powerful support for business decisions. In their later business careers, this will motivate them to consult with mathematicians and employ effective quantitative methods. Mathematics provides many important tools for economics and other business fields. The recognition of its importance by many students each year will certainly strengthen the position of mathematics in our society. Why do business consultants and directors need to know math? Business is all about selling a product or service to make money. All transactions within a business have to be recorded in the Company accounts and quite often involve very large sums of money. http://johnsonsr. spps. org/Why_is_math_important. html). So for example, you need to be able to estimate the effect of changing numbers in the accounts when trying to work out your expected performance for next year. Also businesses rely heavily on using percentages, in particular anyone who works as a sales person will need to be quick at mental arithmetic, approximation and in working out percentages, The more percentage discount you give a customer when you sell them a product, the less profit your company will make, so it really does pay to know your math (Brechner). One area where quantitative techniques are applied in business is in the area of finances. Some of the models that financial managers and analysts use are return on investment, decision trees and net present value. Financial analysts determine how much profit a particular product brings in versus the costs of producing that product. They run regressions and analyses to note trends over time and determine how much to invest in a particular business line. Financial analysts also use quantitative methods to determine productivity and whether or not to hire, retain or lay off workers. They use quantitative data to manage risk and create investment vehicles. Advertisers use quantitative data to determine how many viewers or readers will see a particular advertisement in a particular medium. They use data from rating services to find out how many people click on a certain website or watch a particular television show at any time. Advertisers also use quantitative data to do pre- and post-testing of advertisements. Advertisers use surveys to test ad recall in viewers, and ttitudes about proposed advertisements, among other things. Companies make heavy use of statistics to determine how to market their products, which markets their products and services will do best in and which consumers will buy their products. There are thousands of companies in the United States that gather and analyze data about consumer interests, desires, likes, dislikes, motivations and concerns. Marketers use this data to focus sponsorships, direct mail campaigns and position their companies in the general culture. Marketers also use data from UPC codes at stores (often in combination with shopper discount cards) to determine who is buying their products, how often and where. This also gives them important information to use in making decisions about stocking, delivery and promotions. Insurance companies have a multitude of applications for quantitative data. Although many of these applications could transfer to other businesses, insurance companies have dozens of statisticians or actuaries on staff. Therefore, they have the manpower and know-how to analyze mountains of data. For example, insurance companies gather data about each salesperson in each line of business. They then analyze the data to see if there are similarities in the top salespeople so they can recommend improvements to those not doing so well. They also see which lines of business produce profit and which should be closed down because they are unprofitable. Insurance company actuaries also analyze data on accidents, fires, floods and other mishaps that require them to pay out money and use these analyses to set insurance rates for their customers.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Lather and Nothing Else and the Possibility of Evil
British Baptist Preacher Charles Spurgeon once said, â€Å"Beware of no man more than of yourself; we carry our worst enemies within us. †By reading â€Å"Lather and Nothing Else,†â€Å"The Possibility of Evil†and through one’s one personal struggles this quote is found to be true. Everyone faces struggles with themselves. It is yourself that is your own enemy because your mind is what creates your fears, goals and weaknesses not someone else. The story â€Å"Lather and Nothing Else†talks about a barber who must decide to be either a hero or a murderer. The Possibility of Evil†deals with the evil that lies beneath the peaceful surface of a small town. In both stories topics including integrity, honesty, morals, values and work ethic are dealt with Characters in both stories encounter struggle or conflict, but something is learned through this struggle. First of all, the story â€Å"Lather and Nothing Else†deals with inner struggle . The main character, the barber, is secretly a member of the resistance against the government. The conflict is introduced when Captain Torres, an executioner, walks into the barber’s shop to get shaved. That gives the barber an opportunity to kill him and become a hero. The main character then becomes very conflicted. If he decides to kill Cpt. Torres he could escape to another country, but he would still have to live with the fact that he killed someone and that feeling would haunt him for the rest of his life. The barber debated the situation in his head. Perhaps he believed killing someone would lower himself to the captain’s level. The main character came to the decision that he would not kill the captain. The barber believed he did his work honorably and didn’t want to stain his hands with blood. To each his own. That’s the way it is. To each his own. †The lesson the author intends the readers to learn is to always weigh out the pros and cons before making a difficult choice in life. Next, â€Å"The Possibility of Evil†demonstrates the sense of morality very well. Mrs. Strangeworth is an elderly lady who lives in Pleasant Town. She had lived there for a long time and believed it was her job to protect her town. She wrote anonymous letters to people spreading false rumors and wrote about people’s flaws and sent them to different citizens of that town. She believed that by sending these letters she was getting rid of the evil in her town. The struggles in this story is person vs. society because one can tell by reading this story that deep down in that old lady’s heart, she loathed the people in her town. She dealt with her struggle by writing secret letters about people and posting them. In the end her most prized possessions, her roses, were destroyed by a man after finding out she was the one sending the letters. The lesson readers take away from this story is what goes around comes around, any actions, good or bad, will have a consequence. Finally, I, myself, have gone through many struggles throughout my life. One of my biggest struggles is when I spent three weeks living on a military base. I only got a chance to leave the base once and that was to do community service but I still had to wear my combat uniform. They woke us up at 5:00 AM every morning, taken for a one hour jog and trained until 6:30 in the evening. We got a 1. 5 hour break and had to be back in our barracks by 9:00 PM. We would then polish our boots for a half hour then went to bed. They would play The Last Post at 10 PM every night and â€Å"Reveille†on the bugle every morning at 5. I struggled a lot with the schedule, home sickness and during a injury to my ankle from a Biathlon I competed in. I was so fed up with everything and just wanted to go home. I got through it because of all the amazing people that were there. The girls I shared a room with were all used to this because they have done it before. They really talked me through it and took me around the base and made it fun for me. The officers, padres and doctors there were also really supportive. There was always someone there for me to talk to. The people I met there ended up becoming my second family. I believe the lesson I learned from that experience is that it doesn’t matter who you are with or where you may be, there really is no place at home. In conclusion, as to what was stated in the introduction, everyone faces struggles with themselves. In â€Å"Lather and Nothing Else†the barber struggles with himself, he doesn’t want to be a killer but killing Captain Torres could potentially save many other lives. In â€Å"The Possibility of Evil†the ain conflict I person vs. society, however, the woman also struggles with herself. She hated the people in her town and dealt with it by sending anonymous letters to citizens about their flaws or accused them of things they may not be guilty for. In a way, she’s destroying her own town by breaking the reliance people have in each other. Also, in my own struggle I was homesick and confused. I dea lt with situation I never would have imagined beforehand. As one can see, lessons were learned through struggles by both characters in these stories and through my own experiences.
Friday, November 8, 2019
merit and distction 2 Essay
merit and distction 2 Essay merit and distction 2 Essay Unit 41 M1/ d1 Discuss how organisational policies and procedures are influenced by legislation and guidelines with regard to the administration of medicines Evaluate the effect of legislation and guidelines on the administration of Medicines. In this report I will be discussing how polices and procedures are influenced by different factors this being legislations and guidelines to how medicines are administered and evaluating the effect of legislations and guidelines on the administration of medication in an health and social care setting this would be Rockwood surgery. An example of this would be doctors or nurse each professional in care would interpreted these legislation and guidelines differently so effect there way of care in administration of medicines like doctors only see the problem well the nurse trying to see the hall picture meaning pain medication or how the patient feeling well the doctor just want to fix them with their health problem. Policy -a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an organization or individual Procedures-an established or official way of doing something Legislation -laws, considered collectively Guidelines -a general rule, principle, or piece of advice Policy is a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an organization or individual like in this case the legislations document would be look at than make the policy .Policy are important in any health and social care setting because these are the policies in place for the staff to follow to comply with the legislation in place that is law . They aim to give people high standard of care and constancy in the care this leading to good practice in any health care setting this is why policy are important in any heath care setting . Why is a policy on ‘working with medication’ important this is because medicines are powerful compounds that control disease, ease discomfort and prolong life for millions of people and are generally beneficial. Unfortunately no medicine is without side effects and some are worse than others. Side effects are not the only potential problem with medicines; sometimes people take medicines when they do not need them or use them in the wrong way or even take someone else’s medicines. Usually these things happen by accident or because of misunderstandings. Often the consequences are mild but sometimes they can be severe or even life-threatening. In any situation where care-workers are responsible for the looking after and giving of medicines to other people, being young or old, healthy or sick, it is important to follow the set policy in place in any setting like health and safety at work this policy from these legislations are there for client or staff leading a range of policies to ensure that administration is done safely. So the policy on working with medication is important as it stop death, injury to the body and many more these can range by having these policy people know that they are safe and secure when they have medicines given to them . Every health and social care setting has policies and procedures that the workers have to follow and understand them clearly. They also need to make sure that they practise policies and procedures when they are work regarding medication. Policies and procedures are a course method of action to guide and possibly determine future decisions, within all policy and procedures there is a guideline a guideline is a statement of both policy and procedures to help people follow the regulations. Any person involved with medicines has to adhere to certain rules and regulations, whether this is the doctor, pharmacist, nurse or a person who administers them to other people. Legislation is one of the most important instruments of government in organising society and protecting citizens. It determines amongst others the rights and responsibilities of individuals and authorities to whom the legislation applies. On the other hand, a law has little or no value if
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Glow in the Dark Crystal Geode
Glow in the Dark Crystal Geode Its very easy to make a glow in the dark crystal geode. The rock is a natural mineral (eggshell). You can use one of several common household chemicals to grow the crystals. The glow comes from paint, which you can get from a craft store. Glow in the Dark Geode Materials eggsglow in the dark paint (I used GlowAwayâ„ ¢ washable glowing paint)very hot water (I used my coffee maker) borax, alum, Epsom salts, sugar, salt, or use another crystal recipe food coloring (optional I used neon green coloring) Prepare the Glowing Geode There are two ways to crack your eggs. You can carefully crack the top of the egg by tapping it on a counter top. This will give you a deep geode with a smaller opening. Alternatively, you can crack the equator of the egg or carefully cut it with a knife. This will give you a geode you can open and put back together.Dump the egg or make scrambled eggs or whatever.Rinse out the inside of the eggshell with water. Peel away the interior membrane so you are left with only the shell.Allow the egg to air dry or carefully blot it dry with a paper towel or napkin.Use a paintbrush, swab, or your fingers to coat the inside of the eggshell with glowing paint.Set the painted egg aside while you mix the crystal-growing solution. Make the Crystal Solution Pour hot water into a cup.Stir borax or other crystal salt into the water until it stops dissolving and you see some solid at the bottom of the cup.Add food coloring, if desired. Food coloring does not get incorporated into all crystals (e.g., borax crystals will be clear), but it will stain the egg shell behind the crystals, giving the geode some color. Grow the Glowing Crystals Support the shell so that it wont tip over. I made a little nest for mine in a crumpled napkin that I set inside a cereal bowl.Pour the crystal solution into the shell so that it is as full as possible. Dont pour the undissolved solid into the eggshell, just the saturated liquid.Set the shell somewhere where it wont get knocked over. Allow crystals to grow for several hours (overnight is shown) or as long as you like.When you are satisfied with the crystal growth, pour out the solution and allow the geode to dry.Phosphorescent paint is activated by exposing it to bright light. Black light (ultraviolet) produces a very bright glow, also. The duration of the glow depends on the paint you use. My geode glows for about a minute before it needs to be recharged. Some paints will produce geodes that glow for a few seconds. Other paints may glow for many minutes.Store your geode in a dry location, protected from dust.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Culture is globalised This connotes a widening of human experiences Essay
Culture is globalised This connotes a widening of human experiences and wisdom. (A. Gurnah). How valid is this comment - Essay Example This essay will look at the validity of arguments about the outcomes of a globalised culture after defining key terms. Globalisation has numerous definitions depending on the school of thought from which one originates; sometimes it may be defined from a sociological, political economic or anthropological lens. For purposes of this analysis, it will be defined as â€Å"an intensification of world-wide social relationships, which link distant places in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many miles away and vice versa†(Giddens, 1990, p.4). It is an undeniable fact that globalisation affects almost every single person on the planet irrespective of their class, gender or ethnicity. People’s level of consciousness is changing and many of them have now acquired a global orientation or at least global awareness (Beynon, 2000). This state of affairs has led to certain paradoxes, which had not been imagined before; increased awareness is not unifying the world, as one would expect. It is instead making people more diverse and even disjointed. Human experiences as defined in Gurnah’s phrase refer to things that occur in people’s lives that have the capacity to affect how they act and think. It may also be envisaged as the totality of all the skill and knowledge that people acquire through certain periods of time when they participate in something. Conversely, human wisdom refers to the ability to utilise one’s knowledge and experience in order to make sound decisions (Beynon, 2000). Finally, cultural globalisation refers to a phenomenon in which lives lived by people reflect a standardisation of cultural ideas from different parts of the world. This came about as a result of the proliferation of the internet, international travel, and the rise of popular culture. Homogenisation of cultural influences is apparent in the presence of fast food franchises like McDonald’s all over
Friday, November 1, 2019
An Emerging Area in Criminology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
An Emerging Area in Criminology - Essay Example As stated by Strossen (2000) the term "cybercrime" refers to any crime accomplished through the use of computer technology. As computers and computer networks have grown more popular, information stored on them has become more accessible and is easily erased, copied, moved, or falsified. This has caused an increase in the use of computers for white-collar crime. Computers are objects of crime when they or their contents are damaged or made unavailable, as when a computer is stolen or its hard drive is damaged. As subjects of crime, computers provide the electronic environment in which frauds are perpetrated through entry of false data and in which computer viruses self-propagating harmful programs are inadvertently introduced into a system through contaminated files or programs. Computers are instruments of crime when they are used to plan and execute complex crimes such as embezzlement or identity theft. (Fafinski, 2008) Variety and Extent Computers have been used as a tool in most kinds of crime including fraud, theft, larceny, burglary, sabotage, espionage, conspiracy, illegal gambling, distribution of pornography, extortion, forgery, bootlegging, and terrorist acts since the first cases were reported in the 1950s. Low-level computer crimes were initially committed largely by trusted users with the requisite skill, knowledge, authority, motive, and resources. Traditional criminals are converting their paper-based and manual crime methods to equivalent and new electronic techniques.
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